These lead-free, adjustable pewter necklaces feature a Wicca pendant of your choice and come on a story card with the description of your theme.
Made in the USA, lead-free.
-Attraction: The waxing moon, the time from the new Moon to the full Moon, represents the power of attractions.
-Balance: The Divine Feminine and Maiden Mother, and Crone. The triple Moon symbolizes all the aspects of female power uniting intuition and psychic insight, creative energy, wisdom and mystery.
-Direction: Charged with the energy of the owner, the Athame is used as a tool to direct energy and define space, such as casting a sacred circle.
-Intuition: The Goddess with Moon stone symbolizes the immanent life force, as Mother Nature, the Earth, the Cosmos, and interconnectedness of all life.
-Magik: One who worships the Goddess and the God, her consort, practices magik and follows the spiritual path of Wicca.
-New Beginnings: The Pentacle is a symbol of Earth and Prosperity. The Pentacle in its upright position represents the spirit of balance and harmony with the four elements.
-Power: The word "Crescent" derives from the Latin Creare, which means to create, and so the crescent moon is linked to the creative power of the Goddess.
-Protection: The pathfinder and forerunner of new ideas who returns to the clan to teach and share their medicine. Wolves are synonymous with good witches.
-Stability: The Moon is the eye of the Goddess, the mirror that sees and reflects everything on Earth.
-Spiritual Rebirth: The cauldron symbolizes rebirth and its properties of transformation.
-Well Being: The chalice symbolized the eternal feminine and its properties of cleansing regeneration and emotion.
-Wisdom: Contemplating the Moon and the pentagram symbolizes the mystic circle of magik.
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